Inspiring young people of today, to be the manufacturers of tomorrow

Let's Work Together!

With a huge skills shortage and lack of young people aspiring to Manufacturing careers, there has never been a more important time for manufacturers to engage with the next generation.

Marvelous Manufacturing is here to help you!

Our programmes connect you with your local schools and help you to raise awareness of your manufacturing business through exciting and valuable content for students from Year 8 to Year 12.

Two hands holding

We’ll help you to showcase:

Who you are

What you make

What opportunities you have for the next generation

And help you to curate meaningful relationships with your future apprentices

This allows you to showcase your company, build up your future talent pipeline and solve your skills crisis, without investing months of your valuable time in recruitment.

Our goal is to make it easier than ever to grow your team without having to negotiate a skills gap. Simply choose from our service packages and let's get started!

Our Services


You will receive a dedicated half day* consultancy and be given advice and assistance on:

  • Your businesses unique requirements
  • How to find the right School contact
  • What type of delivery is right for your business
  • How to create engaging content
  • How to identify suitable students for your apprenticeship programme
  • How to create bespoke workshops for select groups of students


At the end you will have all of the tools and information you need to create your plan of delivery!


*(This consultancy session can take place in person or remotely via video link)


We will

  • Explore your unique requirements and best type of delivery for your business
  • Connect you with your local schools
  • Agree on the target Year groups
  • Help you to design and create your content
  • Work with you and your staff to develop the delivery across 3 School terms
  • Show you how to identify suitable students for your apprenticeship programme
  • Help you to create bespoke workshops for select groups of students


At the end of our sessions we guarantee that you will have a bespoke plan of delivery!



We will

  • Explore your unique requirements and best type of delivery for your business
  • Connect with a local school of your choice
  • Agree the target Year groups
  • Design and create your content fully branded to your business
  • Go into school on your behalf to deliver the entire programme of content for you across 3 School terms!
  • Identify suitable students for your apprenticeship programme
  • Create bespoke workshops for select groups of students


You will have an action packed programme being delivered into a local School on your behalf *


*(where there is a requirement to deliver into more than one school additional charges will apply)