Inspiring young people of today, to be the manufacturers of tomorrow

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Why should I consider an apprenticeship?

As a student, trying to decide on which option is best for you can be a daunting prospect.

If you are academic and enjoy learning through text books and lessons then University is a good choice. However there are many people who are much better learning "on the job", me included.

Apprenticeships give you that opportunity and you will earn while you learn.

Many apprenticeships provide a degree route too, which means you can earn and learn without building up a huge student debt.

The most important thing to remember is that Apprenticeships aren't something to consider if you don't do well in your exams. We must dispel that myth. They are just as valuable - if not more - than the University route and if you choose to do an Apprenticeship you should be proud that you are learning a profession, gaining hands on experience and will have far more experience at the end of your Apprenticeship than many who choose to go to Uni.

Find out more

For more information about Apprenticeships why not take a look at the Gov website where you can set up an account and register for an Apprenticeship

Click Here